what a day….our wedding day!
I know that probably every girl has already figured out 90% of her wedding day… or almost.
It’s not new when I tell you that that is a big day in a woman’s live.
Well I had figured out maybe 0,1% of my wedding. I knew that I wanted to have a princess dress and I knew that I want a kiss, and I knew that I would sing something.
That’s not a lot, but this way I had 99,9% to be surprised and spontaneous. Surprised?!!YES, Well I never thought or dreamed or imagined to marry in Finland.
Ok, now to the big day. So many people where a head of time, planning, doing and investing tons of time and love. KIITOS for doing so… I know I can never pay that back.
Beautiful weather. 8:00 Hairdresser . 9:30 getting the flower bouquet. Antti picks us ( Miri and me ) up from town, and we drive to the MOKKI ( It’s the Mokki where my family stayed during their trip to Finland). Getting Make up. Getting in the dress. And then we were taking pictures in the most beautiful landscape of Finland. Lake and trees :). Getting out of the dress. Driving to church. 12:00 in the church. Getting in the dress, refresh make up. And then I and Antti had to wait alone in a room, away from the arriving friends and family and just so nervous and so excited.
13:00 walking down the aisle, with my dad and then with Antti.
The church part was beautiful and I loved the songs and I finally got my wedding ring, the one I picked in December. I was so amazed to see all my friends (the one from Finland and the one from Germany) and I loved seeing them together in the same room. Food was unbelievably good. (Even the next day and two days later when we were eating the leftovers with my mom and dad :) ).
The program was fun and the speeches touchy. I was surprised about my dad and kind of proud to have such a fun dad. (It’s really seldom that I think like that about my dad but that day I was proud to be his daughter).
The cake was so good and for the people who don’t like café we had coke. AND I got such a good feedback for that, so I just wanted to mention that that was Anttis idea. Yes I have such a cleaver husband :)
And then I had to sing. And Antti was giving a tint thank you speech. We ran to our car, hiding from the RICOLA -candy that people were throwing at us. I loved the bubbles (always will…)
…. well and then…. there was this totally relaxed and happy moment. When we were sitting on OUR couch in OUR new home and MY husband was taking the bobipins out of my hair, I just felt so loved and so rich to have experienced such a wonderful day with so many people that I truly and deeply love. I felt so rich just knowing that all those people came to my wedding and so many more send cards with greetings. And I felt so blessed to know that this is just the beginning and that the one who started all that, the one who brought such a amazing and loving husband and such a great country into live in into my life will lead and guide not only me but also my friendships, and my mariage.Kiitos Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Danke Jesus
2 Kommentare:
das letzte wort fehlt....
great pictures! i love that one where you and antti are standing on the jetty :)
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