Things that we did around New Year 2008/2009
Over New Year Antti got the awesome chance to meet my older siblings in Germany, so we had another 2 weeks that we could spend together. Here are some of the events that are really worth mentioning.
GO speed racer GO!
Annika and Steffi had the great/ crazy/fabulous idea of making a bobycar race. That means all of us went into a toy store and bought bobycars. It was so hilarious. We were like little kids checking out the best colour and finding the perfect driving position. Well those are normally for 2-6 year old kids, so it was kind of tight but even Antti made it and found a way to drive. And not only to drive, no to race down hill. On the same day we had to make the first testings. And we had to find the perfect racing course. For everyone who is familiar with the area where I live, we have a lot of mountains so its not that hard to find a good hill. And we found the perfect course. We walked straight up the Nottenberg and drove down on the right side, start at the house where Wasmers live and drive down hill, around the curve at Schlomsens house and straight to where I life. To reduce your speed, drive toward the Nottenberg so the course ends basically right in frond of my house. We did that a few times and it was so much fun. We had to wear old shoes because we got so fast that during the breaking processes the bottom of our shoes got ripped off. Unfortunately we had a kind of snow mutt rain on the day before New Year so we tried to drive but the snow on the street reduced our speed. Still fun and just let you know my pink bobycar is the coolest ever!
The FOUNTAIN of life
On the last evening we made something really special to eat. We made chocolate fountain. Antti got for Christmas a chocolate fountain from my mom so we had to try it! We bought lots of fruits and eat a ton of chocolate. I really don’t want to know how much weight I gained just on that evening ( but it was soooo gooood)
THINGUMMYBOB( just things that we also did)
Antti came with me to my finish lesson! We played Mastermind (a lot)! We went to play pool! We made some invitation card for our wedding! We eat raclette ! We played Nintendo-Wii, and “Make& break” We made milk, chocolate, banana shakes! Went to the swimming pool, visited the PowerStation (don’t ask :)….fun times ! I loved it!
1 Kommentar:
Huhu Hannah,
witzige Bilder :) sind durch die Dunkelheit echt gut geworden!
grüßle Steffi
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