Sonntag, 19. August 2012

Went to the woods found berries!

Sunday we were off to get some raspberries.

We had no destination before a almost 5year old boy told us the perfect location to get raspberries!
We were picking for over an hour nonstop, but we all know what they say about raspberries…the bucket  never gets full. Its hard work, everybody wants to eat them but picking them is a pain in the a…. back.
Still we had a good time, then besides the sticks and thorns, you have time to talk and you can always take a tiny snack break… for the bucket one for my mouth …jummy!

Sonntag, 12. August 2012

poika ja pallo Junge und Ball

Suvi on ottanut kuvat...aika ihana, aurinko laskee ja Joel on elementissä!
Joel in seinem Element, und Sonnenuntergang in unserem Garten. Suvi hat die Bilder gemacht.

Mittwoch, 8. August 2012

Viel Sommer

Viel Sommenschein, viel gute Essen, viele Tiere, viel Sauna, viel Schweiss, viel Eis, viel Familie und viel Freunde.


Tomaten und Nüsschensalat!