Finally I did something I should have done earlier... finally I found some time and patience to upload pictures from my Outreach… so you can flip though my earlier Posts and you will find some pictures that make the post look more complete… have fun !!
I don’t know what it is but I just fall in love with finish worship, with the songs, the singer, the melody and the lyrics even though I don’t understand anything.
I just love the dynamic, it’s totally different it’s like a celebration, every song is ether a party or a silent moment in the presence of GOD.
I listened a lot to the CD of Petri Kosonen & Undivided hearts… those song are stuck in my head I just need to hear them once and I start to hum them all the time…
I would love to have the lyrics so that I could actually sing what they sing, because right now I am just improvising and assuming that those are the right words that I sing...its fun, especially when I sing in the car with myi-pot and everyone things I am singing
“weiser Boy “ when it should be “Vain Sä Voit “
I just can’t stop listen to all those songs… I started to listen to the chariots (Reimu Nousee)
And guess what?! I LOVE IT….
Ya finish worship is great… God touches my heart even though I don’t know what there are singing…worship is more then just words… and it influences us and the people surrounding us… When we drove to my sister on Saturday I was like always listening to finish worship songs, not thinking anything and during the day my dad suddenly started to sing JEESUS KRISTUS ELÄÄ !
Sisters .. You just have them… They are part of your live if you like that or not. Luckily I got some pretty nice sisters… we can fool around and sleep in one bed, go shopping and just the things that you do with sisters.
It started on the 1st of July exactly one month after I said good bye to L.A and to Antti.
So well how long can it take to get with a plane from Germany to Finland?
I experienced it can take forever.... In Basel the flight did not come because the plane was stuck in Frankfurt...
So I had to wait 2h and then in Frankfurt I got lost, so I almost missed my connection flight to Helsinki... well in Helsinki I found out after 1 h waiting on that stupid baggage reclaim that they forgot (UPs) my bag in Frankfurt. Well... Yah Antti picked me up and we drove 3h to his place....Finland is kind of like the Black Forest just flat. During the whole car ride we did not pass a city the road went straight though forest all the way...
His apartment I am not kidding that is one of the nicest apartments that I have ever seen. Everything is light and white and the decoration is really nice it just looks like a room out of a IKEA magazine.
The special finish summer I never thought that it would be a problem for me, I mean the weather in Finland, I mean the sun!! Cause in the first 4 Nights in Finland I could not sleep at all I would go to bad around 11 and wake up around 3 in the morning because its light again. My body did not expect that ....normally (in Germany or L.A or Thailand ) its okay if I wake up with the sun and I like that but if the sunrise is around 3 in the morning I have a problem.
But my hero found a way to shut me off from the evil sun :)
The Sauna Aaaaa JAAA finish people are crazy and they love Sauna….its like their television, everyone has one and they are everywhere.... Okay that’s how it make a fire, you wait, you sit in there and you are sweating … Then you jump in the lake and go back to the sauna...and sweating again and then you shower and then you get those special socks to wear and then you sit in front of the television and enjoy the rest of the evening.
The RollerCoasterPark
On Friday we went to SÄRKÄNNIEM. It’s a little roller coaster park and it was so much fun.
Okay I am really scared of heights and of things that move up side down…so Antti always had to force me on those machines… and I am so thankful that he did that because it was fun…. I liked it and I was kind of proud.